Reference Guide

Slot Group 287
NOTE: System slot bus width meanings of type "n bits" are for parallel bus such as PCI.
NOTE: System slot bus width meanings of type "nx or xn" are for serial bus such as PCI Express.
Table 14-7. Hot-Plug Bus Width
Variable Name: DellSystemSlotHotPlugBusWidth
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
busWidthIsOther(1) The system slot bus width is not one of following:
busWidthIsUnknown(2) The system slot bus width is unknown.
busWidthIs8bits(3) The system slot bus width is 8 bits.
busWidthIs16bits(4) The system slot bus width is 16 bits.
busWidthIs32bits(5) The system slot bus width is 32 bits.
busWidthIs64bits(6) The system slot bus width is 64 bits.
busWidthIs128bits(7) The system slot bus width is 128 bits.
busWidthIs1xOrx1(8) The system slot bus width is 1x or x1.
busWidthIs2xOrx2(9) The system slot bus width is 2x or x2.
busWidthIs4xOrx4(10) The system slot bus width is 4x or x4.
busWidthIs8xOrx8(11) The system slot bus width is 8x or x8.
busWidthIs12xOrx12(12) The system slot bus width is 12x or x12.
busWidthIs16xOrx16(13) The system slot bus width is 16x or x16.
busWidthIs32xOrx32(14) The system slot bus width is 32x or x32.