Reference Guide

Memory Group 293
Physical Memory Array ECC Error Nonrecoverable Threshold
Physical Memory Array ECC Error Critical Threshold
Physical Memory Array ECC Error Noncritical Threshold
Physical Memory Array Redundant Memory Unit Index Reference
Name physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorNonRecoverbeThreshold
Object ID
Description Defines the value of the physical memory array Error Checking and
Correction (ECC) error nonrecoverable threshold.
Syntax DellSigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorCriticalThreshold
Object ID
Description Defines the value of the physical memory array ECC error critical threshold.
Syntax DellSigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayECCErrorNonCriticalThreshold
Object ID
Description Defines the value of the physical memory array ECC error noncritical threshold.
Syntax DellSigned32BitRange
Access read-write
Name physicalMemoryArrayRedundantMemoryUnitIndexReference
Object ID
Description Defines the index to the associated Redundant Memory Unit in this chassis.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only