Reference Guide

296 Memory Group
Physical Memory Array Mapped Starting Address
Physical Memory Array Mapped Ending Address
Physical Memory Array Mapped Partition Width
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedStartingAddress
Object ID
Description Defines the physical starting address in KB of the memory array
mapped address.
Syntax DellUnsigned64BitRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedEndingAddress
Object ID
Description Defines the physical ending address in KB of the memory array
mapped address.
Syntax DellUnsigned64BitRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedPartitionWidth
Object ID
Description Defines the number of memory devices that form a single row in the
memory array mapped address. A zero (0) indicates that the number
is unknown.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-only