Reference Guide

Cost of Ownership Group 353
Cost of Ownership Group
The Cost of Ownership (COO) Group provides a full set of cost-tracking objects, including fields for
the computer’s manufacturer, insurer, lessor, warranty, user, trouble tickets, and many others. You can
use these management information base (MIB) objects to obtain accurate and complete
measurements of the cost of each computer asset in your organization.
Cost of Ownership Group Tables
The Cost of Ownership Group defines objects in the following MIB tables:
Cost of Ownership Table
COO Service Contract Table
COO Cost Event Log Table
COO Warranty Table
COO Lease Information Table
COO Schedule Number Table
COO Options Table
COO Maintenance Table
COO Repair Table
COO Support Information Table
COO Trouble Ticket Table
Cost of Ownership Table
The following MIB object sets up the Cost of Ownership Table.
Name cooTable
Object ID
Description Defines the Cost of Ownership Table.
Syntax SEQUENCE OF CooTableEntry
Access Not accessible