Reference Guide

358 Cost of Ownership Group
COO Extended Warranty Provider Name
COO Ownership Code
COO Corporate Owner Name
COO Hazardous Waste Code Name
Name cooExtendedWarrantyProviderName
Object ID
Description Defines the name of the extended warranty provider for this system.
Syntax DellCostofOwnershipString
Access Read-write
Name cooOwnershipCode
Object ID
Description Defines the ownership code for this system.
Syntax DellCooOwnershipCodes (See Table 18-1.)
Access Read-write
Name cooCorporateOwnerName
Object ID
Description Defines the name of the corporation that owns this system.
Syntax DellCostofOwnershipString
Access Read-write
Name cooHazardousWasteCodeName
Object ID
Description Defines the hazardous waste code for this system.
Syntax DellCostofOwnershipString
Access Read-write