Reference Guide

408 Remote Access Group
Remote User Admin Pager Alpha Modem Connect Time-out
Remote User Admin Pager Alpha Pager ID Name
Remote User Admin Pager Alpha Password Name
Remote User Admin Pager Modem Init String Name
Name remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaModemConnectTimeout
Object ID
Description Defines the modem connection time-out for the alphanumeric pager
for this remote access user.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-write
Name remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPagerIdName
Object ID
Description Defines the ID to be sent to the alphanumeric pager to inform the
user of a call by this remote access user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
Access Read-write
Name remoteUserAdminPagerAlphaPasswordName
Object ID
Description Defines the password for the alphanumeric pager for this remote
access user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
Access Read-write
Name remoteUserAdminPagerModemInitStringName
Object ID
Description Defines the initialization string to be sent to the pager modem for
this remote access user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
Access Read-write