Reference Guide

Remote Access Group 421
Remote User Dial-In Configuration Callback Phone Number Name
Remote Dial-Out Table
Remote Dial-Out Table Entry
Remote Dial-Out Chassis Index
Name remoteUserDialInCfgCallbackPhoneNumberName
Object ID
Description Defines the callback phone number for this remote access dial-in user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..95))
Access Read-write
Name remoteDialOutTable
Object ID
Description Defines the Remote Access Dial-Out Table.
Syntax SEQUENCE of RemoteDialOutTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Name remoteDialOutTableEntry
Object ID
Description Defines the Remote Access Dial-Out Table entry.
Syntax RemoteDialOutTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Index remoteDialOutChassisIndex, remoteDialOutAdapterIndex,
Name remoteDialOutChassisIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of the chassis containing the remote
access hardware.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only