Reference Guide

Chassis Information Group 75
System BIOS Status
System BIOS Size
System BIOS Release Date Name
System BIOS Version Name
Name systemBIOSStatus
Object ID
Description Defines the status of the system BIOS of this object.
Syntax DellStatus
Access Read-only
Name systemBIOSSize
Object ID
Description Defines the image size of the system BIOS in kilobytes (KB). A zero (0)
indicates that the image size of the BIOS is unknown.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name systemBIOSReleaseDateName
Object ID
Description Defines the release date of the system BIOS.
Syntax DellDateName
Access Read-only
Name systemBIOSVersionName
Object ID
Description Defines the version name of the system BIOS.
Syntax DellString
Access Read-only