Reference Guide

90 Chassis Information Group
Table 5-2. Chassis Type
Variable Name: DellChassisType
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
other(1) The chassis type is not one of the following:
unknown(2) The chassis type is unknown.
desktop(3) The chassis type is a desktop.
lowProfileDesktop(4) The chassis type is a low-profile desktop.
pizzaBox(5) The chassis type is a pizza box.
miniTower(6) The chassis type is a minitower.
tower(7) The chassis type is a tower.
portable(8) The chassis type is a portable.
lapTop(9) The chassis type is a laptop.
noteBook(10) The chassis type is a notebook.
handHeld(11) The chassis type is a handheld.
dockingStation(12) The chassis type is a docking station.
allInOne(13) The chassis type is an all-in-one.
subNoteBook(14) The chassis type is a subnotebook.
spaceSaving(15) The chassis type is a spacesaver.
lunchBox(16) The chassis type is a lunch box.
mainSystemChassis(17) The chassis type is the main system chassis.
expansionChassis(18) The chassis type is an expansion chassis.
subChassis(19) The chassis type is a subchassis.
busExpansionChassis(20) The chassis type is a bus-expansion chassis.
peripheralChassis(21) The chassis type is a peripheral chassis.
raidChassis(22) The chassis type is a disk RAID chassis.
rackMountChassis(23) The chassis type is a rack-mounted chassis.
sealedCasePC(24) The chassis type is a sealed-case chassis.
multiSystemChassis(25) The chassis type is a multisystem chassis.