Reference Guide

94 Chassis Information Group
Table 5-11. Host Control Capabilities
Variable Name: DellHostControlCapabilities
NOTE: An operator can manually cause these actions using SNMP.
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
manualRebootCapable(1) The operator can reboot capable host.
manualPowerOFFCapable(2) The operator can power off capable host.
manualPowerCycleCapable(4) The operator can power-cycle capable host.
The operator can reboot and power off capable host.
manualOperatingSystemShutdownCapable(8) The operator can shut down the operating-
system–shutdown capable host.
manualFullyCapable(15) The operator can reboot, power on and off the power-cycle
capable host, and shut down the
operating-system–shutdown capable host.
Table 5-12. Host Control Settings
Variable Name: DellHostControlSettings
NOTE: An operator can manually cause these actions using SNMP.
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
manualReboot(1) The operator can reboot the host.
manualPowerOFF(2) The operator can power off the host.
manualPowerCycle(4) Power cycle the host.
manualOperatingSystemShutdown(8) The operator can shut down the operating system on the
The operator can shut down the operating system on the
host then reboot.
The operator can shut down the operating system on the
host then power off machine.
The operator can shut down the operating system on the
host then power cycle machine.