Reference Guide

104 Storage Management Message Reference
2307 Bad block table is
full. Unable to log
block %1
Critical /
Failure /
Cause: The bad block table is used for
remapping bad disk blocks. This table fills, as
bad disk blocks are remapped. When the
table is full, bad disk blocks can no longer be
remapped and disk errors can no longer be
corrected. At this point, data loss can occur.
The %1 indicates a substitution variable. The
text for this substitution variable is displayed
with the alert in the Alert Log and can vary
depending on the situation.
Action: Replace the disk generating this alert.
If necessary, restore your data from backup.
None 904
2309 A physical disk is
Warning /
Cause: You have attempted to replace a disk
with another disk that is using an incompatible
technology. For example, you may have
replaced one side of a mirror with a SAS disk
when the other side of the mirror is using
SATA technology.
Action: See the hardware documentation for
information on replacing disks.
None 903
2310 A virtual disk is
Critical /
Failure /
Cause: A redundant virtual disk has lost
redundancy. This may occur when the virtual
disk suffers the failure of multiple physical
disks. In this case, both the source physical
disk and the target disk with redundant data
have failed. A rebuild is not possible because
there is no redundancy.
Action: Replace the failed disks and restore
from backup.
None 1204
Table 4-4. Storage Management Messages (continued)
Description Severity Cause and Action Clear