Reference Guide

Index 129
Temperature sensor detected
a failure value, 19
Temperature sensor detected
a non-recoverable
value, 19
Temperature sensor detected
a warning value, 18
Temperature Sensor
Events, 45
Temperature sensor has
failed, 17, 45
temperature sensor
messages, 17, 45
Temperature sensor returned
to a normal value, 18, 45
Temperature sensor value
unknown, 17, 45
The AC power supply cable
has been removed., 107
The background initialization
(BGI) rate has
changed., 94
The battery charge cycle is
complete., 115
The BGI completed with
uncorrectable errors., 111
The Check Consistency found
inconsistent parity data.
Data redundancy may be
lost., 111
The Check Consistency
logging of inconsistent
parity data is
disabled., 111
The Check Consistency made
corrections and
completed., 111
The Check Consistency rate
has changed., 94
The Clear operation has
cancelled., 95
The controller alarm is
silenced., 94
The controller battery charge
level is above a normal
threshold., 98
The controller battery charge
level is below a normal
threshold., 98
The controller battery charge
level is normal., 87
The controller battery has
been removed., 88
The controller battery has
been replaced., 88
The controller battery is
charging., 95
The controller battery is
degraded., 95
The controller battery is
executing a Learn
cycle., 95
The controller battery Learn
cycle has been
postponed., 89
The controller battery Learn
cycle has completed., 89
The controller battery Learn
cycle has started., 89
The controller battery Learn
cycle has timed out., 89
The controller battery Learn
cycle will start in %
days., 89
The controller battery needs
to be replaced., 87
The controller battery
temperature is above
normal, 88
The controller battery
temperature is above
normal., 93
The controller battery
temperature is
normal., 88
The controller cache has been
discarded., 90
The controller debug log file
has been exported., 94
The controller has recovered
cached data from the
BBU., 110
The controller is unable to
recover cached data from
the battery backup unit
(BBU)., 110
The controller reconstruct
rate has changed., 96
The controller write policy
has been changed to
Write Back., 90
The controller write policy
has been changed to
Write Through., 90