Reference Guide

Event Message Reference 15
Event Message Reference
The following tables lists in numerical order each event ID and its corresponding description, along
with its severity and cause.
NOTE: For corrective actions, see the appropriate documentation.
Miscellaneous Messages
Miscellaneous messages in Table 2-1 indicate that certain alert systems are up and working.
Table 2-1. Miscellaneous Messages
Event ID Description Severity Cause
0000 Log was cleared Information User cleared the log from Server
0001 Log backup created Information The log was full, copied to backup, and
1000 Server Administrator starting Information Server Administrator is beginning to
1001 Server Administrator startup
Information Server Administrator completed its
1002 A system BIOS update has been
scheduled for the next reboot
Information The user has chosen to update the flash
basic input/output system (BIOS).
1003 A previously scheduled system
BIOS update has been canceled
Information The user decides to cancel the flash
BIOS update, or an error occurs during
the flash.
1004 Thermal shutdown protection
has been initiated
Error This message is generated when a
system is configured for thermal
shutdown due to an error event. If a
temperature sensor reading exceeds the
error threshold for which the system is
configured, the operating system shuts
down and the system powers off. This
event may also be initiated on certain
systems when a fan enclosure is removed
from the system for an extended period
of time.