Reference Guide

60 Storage Management Message Reference
For other alerts, the alert message text is constructed from information passed directly from the
controller (or another storage component) to the Alert Log. In these cases, the variable information is
represented with a % (percent sign) in the Storage Management documentation. An example of such an
alert is shown for alert 2334 in
Ta b le 4-1.
The variables required to complete the message vary depending on the type of storage object and
whether the storage object is in a SCSI or SAS configuration. The following table identifies the possible
variables used to identify each storage object.
NOTE: Some alert messages relating to an enclosure or an enclosure component, such as a fan or EMM, are
generated by the controller when the enclosure or enclosure component ID cannot be determined.
Table 4-1. Alert Message Format
Alert ID Message Text Displayed in the Storage
Management Service Documentation
Message Text Displayed in the Alert Log with Variable
Information Supplied
2127 Background Initialization started Background Initialization started: Virtual Disk 3 (Virtual
Disk 3) Controller 1 (PERC 5/E Adapter)
2334 Controller event log % Controller event log: Current capacity of the battery is
above threshold.: Controller 1 (PERC 5/E Adapter)
Table 4-2. Message Format with Variables for Each Storage Object
Storage Object Message Variables
A, B, C and X, Y, Z in the following examples are variables representing the storage object
name or number.
Controller Message Format: Controller A (Name)
Message Format: Controller A
Example: 2326 A foreign configuration has been detected.: Controller 1 (PERC 5/E
NOTE: The controller name is not always displayed.
Battery Message Format: Battery X Controller A
Example: 2174 The controller battery has been removed: Battery 0 Controller 1
SCSI Physical Disk Message Format: Physical Disk X:Y Controller A, Connector B
Example: 2049 Physical disk removed: Physical Disk 0:14 Controller 1, Connector 0
SAS Physical Disk Message Format: Physical Disk X:Y:Z Controller A, Connector B
Example: 2049 Physical disk removed: Physical Disk 0:0:14 Controller 1, Connector 0