Reference Guide

Storage Management Message Reference 61
Virtual Disk Message Format: Virtual Disk X (Name) Controller A (Name)
Message Format: Virtual Disk X Controller A
Example: 2057 Virtual disk degraded: Virtual Disk 11 (Virtual Disk 11) Controller 1
(PERC 5/E Adapter)
NOTE: The virtual disk and controller names are not always displayed.
Enclosure: Message Format: Enclosure X:Y Controller A, Connector B
Example: 2112 Enclosure shutdown: Enclosure 0:2 Controller 1, Connector 0
SCSI Power Supply Message Format: Power Supply X Controller A, Connector B, Target ID C
where "C" is the SCSI ID number of the enclosure management module (EMM)
managing the power supply.
Example: 2122 Redundancy degraded: Power Supply 1, Controller 1, Connector 0, Target
ID 6
SAS Power Supply Message Format: Power Supply X Controller A, Connector B, Enclosure C
Example: 2312 A power supply in the enclosure has an AC failure.: Power Supply 1,
Controller 1, Connector 0, Enclosure 2
SCSI Temperature
Message Format: Temperature Probe X Controller A, Connector B, Target ID C
where "C" is the SCSI ID number of the EMM managing the temperature probe.
Example: 2101 Temperature dropped below the minimum warning threshold:
Temperature Probe 1, Controller 1, Connector 0, Target ID 6
SAS Temperature
Message Format: Temperature Probe X Controller A, Connector B, Enclosure C
Example: 2101 Temperature dropped below the minimum warning threshold:
Temperature Probe 1, Controller 1, Connector 0, Enclosure 2
SCSI Fan Message Format: Fan X Controller A, Connector B, Target ID C
where "C" is the SCSI ID number of the EMM managing the fan.
Example: 2121 Device returned to normal: Fan 1, Controller 1, Connector 0, Target ID 6
SAS Fan Message Format: Fan X Controller A, Connector B, Enclosure C
Example: 2121 Device returned to normal: Fan 1, Controller 1, Connector 0, Enclosure 2
SCSI EMM Message Format: EMM X Controller A, Connector B, Target ID C
where "C" is the SCSI ID number of the EMM.
Example: 2121 Device returned to normal: EMM 1, Controller 1, Connector 0, Target
ID 6
Table 4-2. Message Format with Variables for Each Storage Object (continued)
Storage Object Message Variables
A, B, C and X, Y, Z in the following examples are variables representing the storage object
name or number.