Read me

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/svradmin/5.4/en/readme/readme_sa.txt[10/23/2012 1:42:59 PM]
When Server Administrator is installed on Microsoft Windows Server 2008,
the DSM SA Data Manager service is installed as a non-interactive
service which means that it is configured to not be allowed to interact
with the desktop by default. This means that interactive applications
will not execute properly when executed for an Alert Action. If an
interactive application is executed for an Alert Action in this
situation, the application will be suspended waiting for input from the
user, but the application interface/prompt will not be visible to the
user. The application interface/prompt will not be visible even after
the Interactive Services Detection service is started. For each
execution of the interactive application, there will be an entry
for the application process in the Processes tab in Task Manager.
If you need to execute an interactive application for an Alert Action
on Microsoft Windows Server 2008, you must configure the DSM SA Data
Manager service to be allowed to interact with the desktop. To allow
interaction with the desktop, right-click on the DSM SA Data Manager
service in the Services control panel and select Properties. In the
Log On tab, enable "Allow service to interact with desktop" and
click OK. Restart the DSM SA Data Manager service for the change to
take effect. When the DSM SA Data Manager service is restarted with
this change, the Service Control Manager logs the following message
to the System log: "The DSM SA Data Manager service is marked as an
interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow
interactive services. This service may not function properly."
This change allows the DSM SA Data Manager service to execute
interactive applications properly for an Alert Action. Also make sure
the Interactive Services Detection service is running in order to see
the interface/prompt displayed by the interactive application. Once
these changes are made, the "Interactive services dialog detection"
dialog box will be displayed by the operating system to provide access
to the interactive application interface/prompt. (103661)
* When starting Server Administrator from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux
console, kernel log messages may display. To avoid these messages,
perform the following steps:
1. Edit the "/etc/sysconfig/syslog" file and modify KLOGD_OPTIONS to
2. Restart "syslog" by executing "/etc/init.d/syslog restart".
* When using the Mozilla browser on Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating
systems, the font and type size on the Server Administrator global
navigation bar appear different from the default font and type size
that Server Administrator uses.
* On systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Gold (Intel x86 and
Intel Extended 64 bit architectures) with DRAC 4 installed, the CD