Read me

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/svradmin/5.4/en/readme/readme_sa.txt[10/23/2012 1:42:59 PM]
Download the DRAC 4 readme from for the latest
information on all known issues.
* Perform the following steps if you do not see the "Remote Access
Controller" properties tab in the Server Administrator user
interface, after installing it on a system with DRAC 4:
1. Make sure that the "Remote Access" service is running.
2. Refresh the Server Administrator user interface.
If the "Remote Access Controller" properties tab still
does not appear:
- Close the Server Administrator user interface.
- Restart the "DSM SA Data Manager" service.
- Restart the "Secure Port Server" service.
- Open the Server Administrator user interface and log in.
* When connecting to a remote DRAC 4 using a Mozilla Web browser from
a Linux client, the Virtual Media feature may not be available. The
browser displays the error: "Virtual Media Plug-in is not installed
or running". This issue is caused by the new Java applet security
features of Mozilla 1.7.3 or later. Perform the following steps to
manually install the plug-in for that specific browser:
1. Log in to DRAC 4 and navigate to the "Properties" page.
2. Change the Web address in the browser window from
"https://<DRAC4-IP-address>/cgi/main" to
"https://<DRAC4-IP-address>/rac4vm.xpi", and press Enter.
Mozilla prompts you with an "Opening rac4vm.xpi" dialog,
allowing you to save the file to your local file system.
3. Click "OK" and save the file to a temporary location (should
be your home directory, by default).
4. After saving the file, close the browser.
5. Restart the browser, and specify the Web address of the
"rac4vm.xpi" file (for example: file:///root/rac4vm.xpi).
6. Mozilla presents you with the "Software Installation" dialog:
Click the "Install" button to continue.
7. After installation completes, close and restart the browser.