Read me

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/svradmin/5.4/en/readme/readme_sa.txt[10/23/2012 1:42:59 PM]
press <Enter>:
4. Start the Install Shield uninstallation program to remove
a. In the command shell window, type the following line
(replacing x: with the actual drive letter of your DVD drive,
such as d:):
b. Select "Remove", and then click "Next".
c. Click "OK".
d. Click "Finish".
5. Close the command shell window.
* On systems running Windows, the RAC installation process requires a
virtual modem connection named RACPORT to communicate between the
operating system and the RAC. When any modem is added to the system,
the operating system automatically creates a virtual fax
device icon in the printers folder. The fax icon is not used by the
RAC and can be deleted or ignored.
* The mouse movement on a local Windows system may appear jerky
and erratic during DRAC III console redirection. This behavior
is evident especially when using menus or opening windows.
* Resizing the Windows desktop to a resolution of 640 x 480 causes
some information to not be visible in the browser window when using
the RAC Web-based interface. This issue occurs in Internet Explorer.
To view a screen in its entirety when using a resolution
of 640 x 480, you must enlarge the browser window.
* While installing applications such as SQL Server 2000,if the RAC
device (PCI Function 0, PCI Function 2 and RAC Virtual
UART Port) is disabled and the RAC service is running, you may
experience problems such as an application hang. To successfully
install these applications you can either re-enable the driver or
you can stop the service.(129915)
* While installing the Dell OpenManage systems management applications
through the Nautilus File Manager, you must use the "Run" button and
not the "Run In Terminal" button after choosing the ""
script from the File Manager's file list. Use the "Run In Terminal"
button for applications that do not open a window of their own (the