SNMP Reference Guide

Chassis Information Group 101
subNoteBook(14) The chassis type is a subnotebook.
spaceSaving(15) The chassis type is a spacesaver.
lunchBox(16) The chassis type is a lunch box.
mainSystemChassis(17) The chassis type is the main system chassis.
expansionChassis(18) The chassis type is an expansion chassis.
subChassis(19) The chassis type is a subchassis.
busExpansionChassis(20) The chassis type is a bus-expansion chassis.
peripheralChassis(21) The chassis type is a peripheral chassis.
raidChassis(22) The chassis type is a disk RAID chassis.
rackMountChassis(23) The chassis type is a rack-mounted chassis.
sealedCasePC(24) The chassis type is a sealed-case chassis.
multiSystemChassis(25) The chassis type is a multisystem chassis.
Table 5-3. Connection Status
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
unknown(2) The status of the chassis connection is
ok(3) The status of the chassis connection is OK.
failure(4) The status of the chassis connection is
Table 5-2. Chassis Type (continued)
Variable Name: DellChassisType
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value