SNMP Reference Guide

Remote Flash BIOS Group 203
Remote Flash BIOS Group
The Remote Flash Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) Table defines the
variables used to remotely update the BIOS in a system. The variables also
define the capabilities of BIOS updates on the system.
Remote Flash BIOS Group Table
The Remote Flash BIOS Group defines objects in the Remote Flash BIOS
MIB table.
Remote Flash BIOS Table
The following object sets up the Remote Flash BIOS Table:
Remote Flash BIOS Table Entry
Name remoteFlashBIOSTable
Object ID
Description Defines the Remote Flash BIOS Table.
Syntax RemoteFlashBIOSTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Name remoteFlashBIOSTableEntry
Object ID
Description Defines the Remote Flash BIOS Table entry.
Syntax RemoteFlashBIOSTableEntry
Access Not accessible
Index remoteFlashBIOSchassisIndex, remoteFlashBIOSIndex