SNMP Reference Guide

204 Remote Flash BIOS Group
Remote Flash BIOS Chassis Index
Remote Flash BIOS Index
Remote Flash BIOS State Capabilities Unique
Remote Flash BIOS State Settings Unique
Name remoteFlashBIOSchassisIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of this chassis.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name remoteFlashBIOSIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index to the remote BIOS update hardware on this
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name remoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique
Object ID
Description Defines the capabilities of the remote BIOS update hardware on
this system.
Syntax DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateCapabilitiesUnique (See Table 11-1.)
Access Read-only
Name remoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique
Object ID
Description Defines the state and settings of the remote BIOS update
hardware on this system.
Syntax DellRemoteFlashBIOSStateSettingsUnique (See Table 11-2.)
Access Read-write