SNMP Reference Guide

262 Device Group
Cache Device Status State
Cache Device External Socket Name
Cache Device Level
Cache Device Maximum Size
Name cacheDeviceStatusState
Object ID
Description Defines the status state of the cache device.
Syntax DellCacheDeviceStatusState (See Table 13-10.)
Access Read-only
Name cacheDeviceExternalSocketName
Object ID
Description Defines the external socket name of the cache device, if the
cache is socketed.
Syntax DellString
Access Read-only
Name cacheDeviceLevel
Object ID
Description Defines the level of the cache device.
Syntax DellCacheDeviceLevel (See Table 13-8)
Access Read-only
Name cacheDeviceMaximumSize
Object ID
Description Defines the maximum size of the cache device in
kilobytes (KB). A zero (0) indicates that the size is unknown.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-only