SNMP Reference Guide

298 Device Group
The processor family is microSPARC IIep.
deviceFamilyIsUltraSPARC(84) The processor family is UltraSPARC.
deviceFamilyIsUltraSPARCII(85) The processor family is UltraSPARC II.
deviceFamilyIsUltraSPARCIIi(86) The processor family is UltraSPARC IIi.
deviceFamilyIsUltraSPARCIII(87) The processor family is UltraSPARC III.
The processor family is UltraSPARC IIIi.
deviceFamilyIs68040(96) The processor family is 68040 Family.
deviceFamilyIs68xxx(97) The processor family is 68xxx.
deviceFamilyIs68000(98) The processor family is 68000.
deviceFamilyIs68010(99) The processor family is 68010.
deviceFamilyIs68020(100) The processor family is 68020.
deviceFamilyIs68030(101) The processor family is 68030.
deviceFamilyIsHobbit(112) The processor family is Hobbit.
deviceFamilyIsCrusoeTM5000(120) The processor family is Crusoe TM5000.
deviceFamilyIsCrusoeTM3000(121) The processor family is Crusoe TM3000.
The processor family is Efficeon
deviceFamilyIsWeitek(128) The processor family is Weitek.
deviceFamilyIsAMDAthlon64(131) The processor family is AMD Athlon 64.
deviceFamilyIsAMDOpteron(132) The processor family is AMD Opteron™.
deviceFamilyIsAMDSempron(133) The processor family is AMD Sempron™.
The processor family is AMD Turion™
64 Mobile Technology.
Table 13-6. Processor Device Family (continued)
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value