SNMP Reference Guide

302 Device Group
Table 13-10. Cache Device Status State
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
other(1) Device state is not one of the following:
unknown(2) Device state is unknown.
enabled(3) Device is enabled.
userDisabled(4) Device is disabled by the user.
biosDisabled(5) Device basic input/output system
(BIOS) is disabled.
Table 13-11. Cache Device ECC Type
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
deviceTypeIsOther(1) Device type is not one of the following:
deviceTypeIsUnknown(2) Device type is unknown.
deviceTypeIsAMouse(3) Device type is a mouse.
deviceTypeIsATrackBall(4) Device type is a track ball.
deviceTypeIsATrackPoint(5) Device type is a track point.
deviceTypeIsAGlidePoint(6) Device type is a glide point.
deviceTypeIsATouchPad(7) Device type is a touch pad.