SNMP Reference Guide

Memory Group 331
Physical Memory Array Mapped Chassis Index
Physical Memory Array Mapped Index
Physical Memory Array Mapped State Capabilities
Physical Memory Array Mapped State Settings
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedchassisIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of this chassis.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of the memory array mapped
address in this chassis.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedStateCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the capabilities of the memory array mapped address.
Syntax DellStateCapabilities
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryArrayMappedStateSettings
Object ID
Description Defines the state of the memory array mapped address.
Syntax DellStateSettings
Access Read-write