SNMP Reference Guide

334 Memory Group
Physical Memory Configuration Chassis Index
Physical Memory Configuration Index
Physical Memory Configuration State Capabilities
Physical Memory Configuration State Settings
Name physicalMemoryConfigChassisIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of the chassis associated with the
physical memory configuration.
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryConfigIndex
Object ID
Description Defines the index (one-based) of the physical memory
Syntax DellObjectRange
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryConfigStateCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the state capabilities of the physical memory configuration.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryConfigStateCapabilities
Access Read-only
Name physicalMemoryConfigStateSettings
Object ID
Description Defines the state settings of the physical memory configuration.
Syntax DellPhysicalMemoryConfigStateSettings
Access Read-write