SNMP Reference Guide

BIOS Setup Control Group 355
BIOS Setup Control NIF Wakeup on LAN Control Status
BIOS Setup Control NIF Wakeup on LAN Control Name
BIOS Setup Control Boot Sequence Control Capabilities Unique
BIOS Setup Control Boot Sequence Control Settings Unique
Name bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlStatus
Object ID
Description Defines the status of the NIF Wakeup on LAN.
Syntax DellStatus
Access Read-only
Name bSUCnIFwakeonLanControlName
Object ID
Description Defines the setup BIOS name of the NIF Wakeup on LAN.
Syntax DellString
Access Read-only
Name bSUCbootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique
Object ID
Description Defines the capabilities of the boot sequence.
Syntax DellBootSequenceControlCapabilitiesUnique (SeeTable 16-5.)
Access Read-only
Name DellBootSequenceControlSettingsUnique
Object ID
Description Defines the state of the boot sequence.
Syntax DellBootSequenceControlSettingsUnique (SeeTable 16-6.)
Access Read-only