SNMP Reference Guide

Cost of Ownership Group 399
COO Deployment Date Length
COO Deployment Duration Type
COO Training Name
COO Outsourcing Problem Description Name
Name cooDeploymentDateLength
Object ID
Description Defines the deployment time for this system.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-write
Name cooDeploymentDurationType
Object ID
Description Defines the deployment time units for this system.
Syntax DellCooHourDayDurationType (See Table 18-2.)
Access Read-write
Name cooTrainingName
Object ID
Description Defines the training that the user has for this system.
Syntax DellCostofOwnershipString
Access Read-write
Name cooOutsourcingProblemDescriptionName
Object ID
Description Defines a problem encountered with the outsourcing service
Syntax DellCostofOwnershipString
Access Read-write