SNMP Reference Guide

450 Remote Access Group
Remote User Admin Pager Modem Init String Name
Remote User Admin Pager Modem Port
Remote User Admin E-Mail Address Name
Remote User Admin E-Mail Custom Message Name
Name remoteUserAdminPagerModemInitStringName
Object ID
Description Defines the initialization string to be sent to the pager modem
for this remote access user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
Access Read-write
Name remoteUserAdminPagerModemPort
Object ID
Description Defines the port for the pager modem for this remote access
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-write
Name remoteUserAdminEmailAddressName
Object ID
Description Defines the e-mail address for this remote access user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
Access Read-write
Name remoteUserAdminEmailCustomMessageName
Object ID
Description Defines the e-mail message to send to this remote access user.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..31))
Access Read-write