SNMP Reference Guide

Remote Access Group 459
Remote Dial-Up Dial-Out Modem Connect Time-out
Remote Dial-Up Modem Dial Type
Remote Dial-Up Modem Init String Name
Remote Dial-Up Modem Baud Rate
Name remoteDialUpDialOutModemConnectTimeout
Object ID
Description Defines the modem dial-out time-out value in seconds for this
remote access dial-up functionality.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-write
Name remoteDialUpModemDialType
Object ID
Description Defines the dial type for the modem used by this remote access
dial-up functionality.
Syntax DellRemoteDialUpModemDialType (SeeTable 19-24.)
Access Read-write
Name remoteDialUpModemInitStringName
Object ID
Description Defines the initialization string to be sent to the modem for this
remote access dial-up functionality.
Syntax DisplayString (SIZE (0..63))
Access Read-write
Name remoteDialUpModemBaudRate
Object ID
Description Defines the baud rate for the modem used by this remote access
dial-up functionality.
Syntax DellUnsigned32BitRange
Access Read-write