SNMP Reference Guide

604 Storage Management Group
Logical Devices Group
The Logical Devices Management Information Base (MIB) group provides
information about the logical devices managed by the Dell Storage
Management Software and their relationships to each other.
This group and all of its associated tables and objects are not supported on
Advanced Server Limited Edition 64-bit operating
system (Windows.Net-64) on a Dell PowerEdge™ 7150. The following MIB
tables define objects and relationships, or connections among the objects, in
the Logical Devices Group:
Virtual Disk Table
—describes available properties for each virtual disk on
the managed system.
Array Disk Logical Connection Table
—describes the connections
between array disks, the virtual disk to which they belong, and their
associated logical disk. For each object in the table, its object "number"
corresponds to an instance number in the appropriate MIB table for that
object where all of the object properties can be found.
Virtual Disk Table
This table describes available properties for each virtual disk on the managed
The following object sets up the Virtual Disk Table.
Name virtualDiskTable
Object ID
Description Defines the virtual disk table.
Syntax SEQUENCE OF VirtualDiskEntry
Access Not accessible