SNMP Reference Guide

Glossary 689
The following list defines or identifies technical terms, abbreviations, and
acronyms used in Dell™ user documents.
Abbreviation for ampere(s).
Abbreviation for alternating current.
AC power switch
A switch with two AC power inputs that provides AC power redundancy by failing
over to a standby AC input in the event of a failure to the primary AC input.
Refers to the actions a user can take on a variable value. Examples include
read-only and read-write.
adapter card
An expansion card that plugs into an expansion-card connector on the computer’s
system board. An adapter card adds some specialized function to the computer
by providing an interface between the expansion bus and a peripheral device.
Examples of adapter cards include network cards, sound cards, and SCSI adapters.
Abbreviation for assign database.
Abbreviation for Advanced Graphics Port. A high performance graphics interface
becoming available for Pentium Pro systems.
Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A text file
containing only characters from the ASCII character set (usually created with a
text editor, such as Notepad in Microsoft
), is called an ASCII file.