User's Manual

110 omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service
omconfig system recovery/omconfig servermodule recovery
Use the omconfig system recovery or omconfig servermodule recovery
command to set the action to be taken when the operating system has hung
or crashed. You can also set the number of seconds that must pass before the
system is considered to have a hung operating system. Table 4-28 shows the
valid parameters for the command.
NOTE: Upper and lower limits for the timer are dependent on your system model
and configuration.
Example Recovery Commands
To set the action on hung operating system detection to powercycle, type:
omconfig system recovery action=powercycle
omconfig servermodule recovery action=powercycle
To set the amount of time that the system must be hung before a recovery
action is initiated to 120 seconds, type:
omconfig system recovery timer=120
omconfig servermodule recovery timer=120
omconfig system shutdown/omconfig servermodule shutdown
Use the omconfig system shutdown or omconfig servermodule shutdown
command to determine the way in which the system shuts down. During
system shutdown, the default is to shut down the operating system before
powering off the system. Shutting down the operating system first closes down
Table 4-28. Recovery Parameters
name=value pair Description
action=none Takes no action when the operating system is hung or has crashed.
action=reboot Shuts down the operating system and initiates system startup,
performing BIOS checks, and reloading the operating system.
action=poweroff Turns off electrical power to the system.
action=powercycle Turns off electrical power to the system, pauses, turns the power on, and
reboots the system. Power cycling is useful when you want to re-initialize
system components such as hard drives.
timer=<n> Number of seconds that must pass before the operating system in a
system is considered hung operating system (from 20 seconds to 480