User's Manual

Using the Storage Management Service 151
Different controllers support different stripe sizes. See Dell OpenManage
Online Help for more information on stripe sizes supported for a controller.
All stripe sizes are specified in kilobytes. For example, when specifying 128 KB
as the stripe size, enter:
[cachepolicy=<d | c>] Parameter (Optional)
Different controllers support different cache policies. Table 6-19 indicates
how to specify the [cachepolicy=<d | c>] parameter for each of the
cache policies.
[readpolicy=<ra| nra| ara| rc| nrc>] Parameter (Optional)
Different controllers support different read policies. Table 6-20 indicates how
to specify the [readpolicy=<ra| nra| ara| rc| nrc>] parameter for each of
the read policies.
Table 6-19. Cache Policy Parameters
Cache Policy cachepolicy=d | c Parameter Specification
Direct I/O cachepolicy=d
Cache I/O cachepolicy=c
Table 6-20. Read Policy Paramaters
Read Policy readpolicy=ra | ara | nra | rc | nrc
Parameter Specification
Read ahead readpolicy=ra
Adaptive read ahead readpolicy=ara
No read ahead readpolicy=nra
Read cache readpolicy=rc
No read cache readpolicy=nrc