User's Manual

26 omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
Conventions for Parameter Tables
When listing the parameters that a command can take, the parameters are
listed in alphabetical order instead of the order in which they appear in the
command line interface.
The symbol |, often called pipe, is the logical exclusive or operator. For
example, enable | disable means that you can enable or disable the
component or feature, but you cannot simultaneously enable and disable the
component or feature.
Command Summary of the omreport Command
NOTE: Although this chapter lists all possible omreport commands, the commands
available on your system depend on your system configuration. The results that
display for the omreport command vary from one system to another. Data displays
for installed components only.
NOTE: When a system includes an external chassis, the displayed results vary by
operating system. On SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server and Red Hat
systems, omreport commands display external chassis information in a
separate section after the main chassis information. On Microsoft
systems, data about the external chassis does not appear in the omreport output.
Table 3-2 is a high-level summary of the omreport command. The column
titled "Command level 1" shows the omreport command at its most general.
"Command level 2" shows the major objects or components that you can view
using omreport (about, chassis, storage, and system). "Command level 3" lists
the specific objects and components for which you can view reports. "User
privilege required" refers to the type of privilege you need to perform the
command, where U=User, P=Power User, and A=Administrator. "Use" is a
very general statement about the actions that can be performed using
omreport. More details about syntax and use of the command appear later in
this section.
Table 3-2 shows the omreport commands available for about, system, and
main system chassis. For information about viewing storage components, see
"omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service."