User's Manual

38 omreport: Viewing System Status Using the Instrumentation Service
omreport chassis frontpanel/omreport mainsystem frontpanel
Use the omreport chassis frontpanel or omreport mainsystem frontpanel
command to view if the front panel button control settings, such as the Power
button and/or Nonmasking Interrupt (NMI) button (if present on the
system), are enabled or disabled.
If the Power button override is present on your system, you can see whether
the Power button override is enabled or not. If enabled, the Power button turns
the power to the system On and Off.
If the NMI button is present on your system, you can see whether the NMI
button is enabled or not. The NMI button can be used to troubleshoot
software and device errors when using certain operating systems.
omreport chassis fru/omreport mainsystem fru
Use the omreport chassis fru or omreport mainsystem fru command to view
FRU information. When you type:
omreport chassis fru
omreport mainsystem fru
Server Administrator displays a summary of your system’s FRU information.
This information is available in the Server Administrator GUI, SNMP, and
Common Information Model and is primarily used to support
troubleshooting activities.
omreport chassis hwperformance/omreport mainsystem
Use the omreport chassis hwperformance or omreport mainsystem
hwperformance command to view the status and cause for the system’s
performance degradation. When you type:
omreport chassis hwperformance
omreport mainsystem hwperformance
Server Administrator displays a summary of your system’s hardware
performance degradation information.
NOTE: This command is applicable only to selected Dell xx0x systems that
support PMBus.