Users Guide

Glossary 203
Wakeup on LAN
The ability for the power in a client station to be turned on by the network. Remote
wake-up enables software upgrading and other management tasks to be performed
on users' machines after the work day is over. It also enables remote users to gain
access to machines that have been turned off. Intel calls remote wake-up
Web server
An application that makes Web pages available for viewing by Web browsers using
the HTTP protocol.
Abbreviation for watt-hour(s).
A program that allows users in a heterogeneous network to log in using
workstations that have either UNIX or Windows NT operating systems. The
program makes workstations using UNIX functional in NT domains, by making
NT look like UNIX to each UNIX workstation.
win.ini file
A start-up file for the Windows operating system. When you start Windows, it
consults the
file to determine a variety of options for the Windows
operating environment. Among other things, the
file records what
printer(s) and fonts are installed for Windows. The
file also usually
includes sections that contain optional settings for Windows application
programs that are installed on the hard drive. Running the Control Panel or
Windows Setup program may change options in the
file. On other
occasions, you may need to change or add options to the
file manually
with a text editor such as Notepad.
Windows 95
An integrated and complete Microsoft Windows operating system that does not
require MS-DOS and that provides advanced operating system performance,
improved ease of use, enhanced workgroup functionality, and simplified file
management and browsing.
Windows NT
High-performance server and workstation operating system software developed
by Microsoft that is intended for technical, engineering, and
financial applications.