Users Guide

Instrumentation Service 89
Click the Network object to manage your system's NICs. Server
Administrator monitors the status of each NIC present in your system to
ensure continuous remote connection. The Network object action window
can have the following tab, depending on the user's group privileges:
Subtab: Information
Under the Properties tab, you can view information about the NICs installed
in your system.
Click the Ports object to manage your system's external ports. Server
Administrator monitors the status of each external port present in your system.
The Ports object action window can have the following tab, depending on the
user's group privileges: Properties.
Subtab: Information
Under the Properties tab, you can view information about your system's
internal and external ports.
Power Monitoring
Click the Power Monitoring object to manage your system’s power
consumption. Server Administrator monitors power consumption status,
amperage, and tracks power statistic details. The Power Monitoring object
action window can have the following tabs, depending on the user's group
privileges: Properties and Alert Management.
Subtab: Power Consumption
Under the Properties tab, you can:
View information about your system’s power consumption attributes.
View information about your current elements attributes.
View statistics tracked about energy consumption and records system
peak power