Users Guide

94 Instrumentation Service
Alert Management
Subtabs: Alert Actions | SNMP Traps
Under the Alert Management tab, you can:
View current alert actions settings and set the alert actions that you want
to be performed in the event that a temperature probe returns a warning or
failure value.
View current SNMP trap alert thresholds and set the alert threshold levels
for temperature probes. The selected traps will be triggered if the system
generates a corresponding event at the selected severity level.
NOTE: Users can set minimum and maximum temperature probe threshold values
for an external chassis to whole numbers only. If users attempt to set either the
minimum or maximum temperature probe threshold value to a number that contains
a decimal, only the whole number before the decimal place is saved as the
threshold setting.
Click the Voltages object to manage voltage levels in your system. Server
Administrator monitors voltages across critical components in various chassis
locations in the monitored system. The Voltages object action window can
have the following tabs, depending on the user's group privileges: Properties
and Alert Management.
Subtab: Voltage Probes
Under the Properties tab, you can view the current readings and status for
your system's voltage probes and configure minimum and maximum values
for voltage probe warning threshold.
NOTE: Some voltage probe fields differ according to the type of firmware your
system has: BMC or ESM. Some threshold values are not editable on BMC-based