Messages Reference Guide

Event Message Reference 53
Pluggable Device Messages
The pluggable device messages listed in Table 2-15 provide status and error
information when some devices, such as memory cards, are added or removed.
Table 2-15. Pluggable Device Messages
Description Severity Cause
1650 <Device plug event
type unknown>
Device location:
<Location in chassis,
if available>
Chassis location:
<Name of chassis,
if available>
Additional details:
<Additional details
for the events,
if available>
Information A pluggable device event message
of unknown type was received.
The device location, chassis
location, and additional event
details, if available, are provided.
1651 Device added to
Device location:
<Location in
Chassis location:
<Name of chassis>
Additional details:
<Additional details
for the events>
Information A device was added in the
specified system. The device
location, chassis location, and
additional event details, if
available, are provided.