Messages Reference Guide

System Event Log Messages for IPMI Systems 65
Memory Events
The memory modules can be configured in different ways in particular
systems. These messages monitor the status, warning, and configuration
information about the memory modules in the system.
BMC OS Watchdog
performed system power
Critical This event is generated when the
BMC watchdog detects that the
system has crashed (timer expired
because no response was received
from Host) and the action is set to
power off.
BMC OS Watchdog
performed system power
Critical This event is generated when the
BMC watchdog detects that the
system has crashed (timer expired
because no response was received
from Host) and the action is set to
power cycle.
Table 3-8. Memory Events
Event Message Severity Cause
Memory RAID
Information This event is generated when there is
a memory failure in a RAID-configured
memory configuration.
Memory RAID
redundancy lost.
Critical This event is generated when redundancy is
lost in a
RAID-configured memory configuration.
Memory RAID
Information This event is generated when the
redundancy lost or degraded earlier is
regained in a RAID-configured
memory configuration.
Memory Mirrored
Information This event is generated when there is
a memory failure in a mirrored
memory configuration.
Table 3-7. BMC Watchdog Events (continued)
Event Message Severity Cause