Messages Reference Guide

System Event Log Messages for IPMI Systems 73
CPU Protocol Err
transition to
Critical This event is generated when the
processor protocol enters a non-
recoverable state.
transition to
Critical This event is generated when the
processor bus PERR enters a non-
recoverable state.
CPU Init Err
transition to
Critical This event is generated when the
processor initialization enters a non-
recoverable state.
CPU Machine Chk
transition to
Critical This event is generated when the
processor machine check enters a non-
recoverable state.
Logging Disabled
all event logging
disabled was asserted
Critical This event is generated when all event
logging is disabled.
LinkT/FlexAddr: Link
Tuning sensor, device
option ROM failed to
support link tuning
or flex address (Mezz
XX) was asserted
Critical This event is generated when the PCI
device option ROM for a NIC does not
support link tuning or the Flex
addressing feature.
LinkT/FlexAddr: Link
Tuning sensor, failed
to program virtual
MAC address
(<location>) was
Critical This event is generated when BIOS
fails to program virtual MAC address
on the given NIC device.
Table 3-12. BIOS Generated System Events (continued)
Event Message Severity Cause