Release Notes

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/svradmin/5.5/en/README/readme_sa.txt[10/25/2012 1:19:17 PM]
using Server Administrator GUI or CLI, the configuration will
appear to be successful but the changes will not take effect on
next reboot. If UA USB ports settings are changed from All Ports
On to All Ports Off or Only Back Ports On, it will automatically
set the Internal USB Port to Off on next reboot.
* Due to resource non-availability, inventory collection may
terminate unexpectedly and restart. If this occurs, the folder
"C:\Temp\invcol" may be left as an artifact. The presence of this
folder does not affect functionality of the inventory collection.
The folder can be deleted if required. [138549]
* After installing Server Administrator from the command prompt,
do not run the commands "omreport" or "omconfig" from the same
prompt as this might cause an error. Open a new command prompt and
run the commands from the new window.
* If the command log page in the Server Administrator GUI displays
an error message indicating that the XML is malformed, you must
clear the command log from the CLI using the "omconfig system
cmdlog action=clear" command.
* After a "Reset to Defaults" operation of the BMC Management
controller, the first user configuration operation will fail if it
is a single user configuration item (such as enabling or disabling
a user or changing user name). Always change a combination of two
user configuration items (such as enabling or disabling a user and
changing user name) concurrently during your first configuration
* On Dell PowerEdge 750 systems, if you disable the Power button in
Server Administrator, the system does not power cycle or power down
in the event of system instability or blue screens. In such
cases, remove the power cord from the system to power down the
unit. As the startup and recovery options in the operating system
override those of Server Administrator, you need to configure them
in the operating system to restart the system after a crash.
NOTE: The above situation is applicable only when the "reboot"
option in the startup and recovery options is disabled. If the
"reboot" option is enabled, the system will automatically reboot
and you will not be forced to shut down by removing the power cord.
* While browsing through IT Assistant, if the SNMP protocol is
disabled and the CIM protocol is enabled, the redundancy status is
shown as lost even though the system has full redundancy. To
confirm the correct state of the system, use the Server
Administrator user interface.
* If you have a RAID 1 virtual disk on a CERC SATA 1.5/6ch
controller, performing a Format or Split Mirror operation
may fail. Dell is working to resolve this problem.