Release Notes

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/svradmin/5.5/en/README/readme_sa.txt[10/25/2012 1:19:17 PM]
in the new time zone specified. Server Administrator needs to be
restarted so that the correct time zone time is displayed in the
Session Management page.
* Server Administrator Auto Recovery feature may execute configured
action when system is under heavy stress.
The Auto Recovery feature can be set to execute an action (e.g.
reboot system) to recover a hung system. Since the Auto Recovery
timer is now an application level timer instead of a kernel level
timer, heavy resource stress on the system makes it more likely
that a short keep alive interval (less than 120 seconds) will not
be measured accurately, and the configured action may be triggered.
The issue will be more prevalent in systems which has only one CPU,
Hyper-Threading is not supported or is disabled, and the system is
subjected to persistent stressful conditions such as resource
depletion and CPU running at 100% usage with significantly more
threads than normal usage.
The Auto Recovery feature is not enabled by default. If the Auto
Recovery feature has been enabled, increase the System Reset Timer
value to at least 120 seconds. [78425]
* Using Internet Explorer browser, if you install Server Administrator
on a system that includes an underscore in its hostname, you must
use the target system's ip address in the browser's URL to launch
Server Administrator as Hostnames with underscores are not supported.
For example (assuming Server Administrator is listening on
port 1311):
For more information, see the following article on the Microsoft
* If the Alert Log contains large number of entries and if you try
to navigate to another page, the Server Administrator GUI may
become unresponsive for approximately 30 seconds. [152755]
* If the CPU throttles, the following message in the hardware System
Event Log (SEL) will be displayed with an unknown severity:
System Board Power Optimized: Performance status sensor for System
Board,unknown event.
* On certain systems that do not support power monitoring, Server
Administrator reports the two platform event filters related to
power monitoring as "System Power Probe Warning" and "System Power
Probe Failure". These two filters are not supported on these
systems. That is, you can view and configure these filters;
however no action will be taken. [172125]
* On Server Administrator, Under
Asset Information->System Information->Primary User Telephone
Number configuration allows only alphanumerics. [185770]