Release Notes

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/svradmin/5.5/en/README/readme_sa.txt[10/25/2012 1:19:17 PM]
2. Restart "syslog" by executing "/etc/init.d/syslog restart".
* When using the Mozilla browser on Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating
systems, the font and type size on the Server Administrator global
navigation bar appear different from the default font and type size
that Server Administrator uses.
* On systems running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Gold (Intel x86 and
Intel Extended 64 bit architectures) with DRAC 4 installed, the CD
device will be listed under a Tertiary Channel instead of the
Primary Channel. This issue has been resolved in Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 4 Update 2.
* In the initial release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, the SNMP
daemon will time-out when walking the network configuration section
of the MIB II tree on systems running the Intel EM64T operating
system. This results in missing data while trying to manage this
server using Dell IT Assistant. This issue can be fixed by updating
net-snmp-libs-5.1.2-11.EL4.6 found in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
Update 3.
* For systems running a supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating
system, kernel driver messages such as "AAC_ChardevOpen" are
sometimes displayed in the console at the login prompt. These
messages, displayed in the console when the driver initialization
is delayed by the installation of Server Administrator services and
can be safely ignored.
* On systems running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3, an incorrect
IP address for the system may be displayed in SNMP applications.
There is a bug in net-snmp RPM and earlier versions
where the SNMP daemon provides an incorrect SNMP response to a
request for a network interface address.
For example, if a network interface has an IP address of, the SNMP daemon will provide an IP address of
This may have adverse affects when trying to manage the system and
may affect Dell IT Assistant operations.
To avoid this issue, update the net-snmp RPM to version or later via YaST Online Update.
* On systems running SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3, Server
Administrator Web interface may freeze when clicking on components
in the tree view (left pane of the interface).
To correct this issue, restart the connection service by running
" restart" or