User's Manual

102 omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service
omconfig preferences useraccess
Depending on the policies of your enterprise, you may want to restrict the
access that some user levels have to Server Administrator. The omconfig
preferences useraccess command allows you to grant or withhold the right of
users and power users to access Server Administrator.
Table 4-19 shows the valid parameters for the command.
omconfig system/omconfig servermodule
Use the omconfig system or omconfig servermodule commands to clear logs,
determine how various shutdown actions occur, set initial values or edit
values for cost of ownership information, and determine how to respond to a
hung operating system.
omconfig system alertaction/omconfig servermodule alertaction
You can use the omconfig system alertaction or omconfig servermodule
alertaction command to determine how Server Administrator responds when
a component has a warning or failure event.
Defining Alert Actions
An alert action is an action that you specify for your system to take when
specified conditions are met. Alert actions determine in advance what actions
are to be taken for warning or failure events on intrusion, fans, temperatures,
voltages, power supplies, memory, and redundancy.
Table 4-19. Enabling User Access for Administrators, Power Users, and Users
Command Result Description
omconfig preferences useraccess enable=
Grants Server
Administrator access to
Users, Power Users, and
Least restrictive form of
user access.
omconfig preferences useraccess enable=
Grants Server
Administrator access to
Power Users and
Excludes user level access
omconfig preferences useraccess enable=
Grants Server
Administrator access to
Administrators only.
Most restrictive form of
user access.