Installation manual

18 Preinstallation Setup
You can run the prerequisite checker silently by executing
runprereqchecks.exe /s from the
SYSMGMT\srvadmin\windows\PreReqChecker directory on the Dell
Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.
After running the prerequisite checker, a HTML file (omprereq.htm) is
created in the %Temp% directory. This file contains the results of the
prerequisite check. The Temp directory is located at X:\Documents and
Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp. To find %TEMP%, go to a
command line prompt and type echo %TEMP%.
The results are written under the following key for a managed system:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Dell Computer
Corporation\OpenManage \PreReqChecks\MN\
While running the prerequisite checker silently, the return code from
runprereqchecks.exe is the number associated with the highest severity
condition for all the software products. The return code numbers are the same
as those used in the registry. Table 2-1 details the return codes.
Table 2-1. Return Codes While Running the Prerequisite Checker Silently
0 No condition, or conditions, is associated with the software.
1 An informational condition, or conditions, is associated with the software.
It does not prevent a software product from being installed.
2 A warning condition, or conditions, is associated with the software. It is
recommended that you resolve the conditions causing the warning before
proceeding with the installation of the software. If you decide to continue,
you can select and install the software using the custom installation.
3 An error condition, or conditions, is associated with the software. You
must resolve the conditions causing the error before proceeding with the
installation of the software. If you do not resolve the issues, the software is
not installed.
-1 A Microsoft Windows Script Host (WSH) error. The prerequisite checker
does not run.
-2 The operating system is not supported. The prerequisite checker does not