Installation manual

Preinstallation Setup 25
Enabling Windows Installer Logging Service
Windows includes a registry-activated logging service to help diagnose
Windows Installer issues. To enable this logging service during a silent install,
open the registry editor and create the following path and keys:
Reg_SZ: Logging
Value: voicewarmup
The letters in the value field can be in any order. Each letter turns on a
different logging mode. Each letter's actual function is as follows for MSI
version 3.1:
v- Verbose output
o- Out-of-disk-space message
i- Status message
c- Initial UI parameter
e- All error message
w - Non-fatal warning
a- Startup of action
r- Action-specific record
m- Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
u- User request
p- Terminal property
+- Append to existing file
!- Flush each line to the log
"*"- Wildcard, log all information except for the v option. To include the
v option, specify "/l*v".
Once activated, you can find the log files that are generated in your
%TEMP% directory. Some log files generated in this directory are:
Managed System Installation
Management Station Installation
These log files are created by default if the prerequisite checker user interface
(UI) is running.