SNMP Reference Guide

Chassis Information Group 119
Table 6-21. Chassis System Class
Variable Name: DellChassisSystemClass
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
other(1) The chassis system class is not one of the following:
unknown(2) The chassis system class is unknown.
workstationClass(3) The chassis system class is a workstation.
serverClass(4) The chassis system class is a server.
desktopClass(5) The chassis system class is a desktop.
portableClass(6) The chassis system class is a portable.
netPCClass(7) The chassis system class is a Net PC.
storageClass(8) The chassis system class is storage.
Table 6-22. Firmware Type
Variable Name:
Data Type: Integer
Possible Data Values Meaning of Data Value
other(1) The firmware type is other than
following values.
unknown(2) The firmware type is unknown.
systemBIOS(3) The firmware type is System BIOS
The firmware type is Embedded
System Management Controller.
powerSupplyParallelingBoard(5) The firmware type is Power Supply
Paralleling Board.
systemBackPlane(6) The firmware type is System
(Primary) Backplane.
powerVault2XXSKernel(7) The firmware type is Dell
PowerVault 2XXS Kernel.
powerVault2XXSApplication(8) The firmware type is PowerVault
2XXS Application. Page 119 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM