SNMP Reference Guide

168 Power Group
Amperage Probe Lower Nonrecoverable Threshold
Amperage Probe Probe Capabilities
Amperage Probe Discrete Reading
Name amperageProbeLowerNonRecoverableThreshold
Object ID
Description Defines the value of the amperage probe’s lower
nonrecoverable threshold.
Syntax DellSigned32BitRange
Access Read-only
Name amperageProbeProbeCapabilities
Object ID
Description Defines the probe capabilities of the amperage probe.
Syntax DellProbeCapabilities
Access Read-only
Name amperageProbeDiscreteReading
Object ID
Description Defines the reading for a amperage probe of type
When the value for amperageProbeType is other than
amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete, a value is not returned for this
attribute. When the value for amperageProbeType is
amperageProbeTypeIsDiscrete, the value returned for this
attribute is the discrete reading for the probe.
Syntax DellAmperageDiscreteReading (See Table 9-9)
Access Read-only Page 168 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 2:19 PM